Shingles also known as herpes zoster, is caused by the varicella zoster virus, which is also responsible for chickenpox. It occurs because of a reactivation of the chickenpox virus, which remains in the nerve cells of the body after chickenpox as the virus can lie dormant in the body. People who develop chickenpox are at risk of developing shingles later in life. Around 1 in 100 Australians older than 50 years, are thought to have shingles at some stage. This virus on the human body is characterised by a painful rash that develops into itchy blisters usually occurring on one side of the body either on the face, chest, back, abdomen or pelvis, and can take several weeks to settle. Those more likely to develop shingles include;
- over 50 years of age
- Individuals who have HIV and AIDS
- Individuals who have had an organ transplant
- Have recently had a bone-marrow transplant
- Have treatment to a condition which affects the immune-system (Chemotherapy for cancer patients)
- Those experiencing physical and emotional stress
- Travelling
- Lack of sleep and poor diet
The signs and symptoms of shingles to be looked out for include (usually affect only a small section of one side of the body);
- Pain, burning, numbness or tingling
- Sensitivity to touch
- A red rash that begins a few days after the pain (most commonly develops as a stripe of blisters that wraps around either left/right side of torso)
- Fluid-filled blisters that break open and crust over
- Itching
Some people also may experience;
- Fever
- Headache
- Sensitivity to light
- Fatigue
As shingles often involves the immunes system, nerve endings and the nervous system, cold laser treatment can majorly help individuals alleviate pain and symptoms. The technicians at Lakeside Laser are trained in helping the body’s nervous and immune systems in functioning optimally, therefore we can help you reduce the pain felt during an episode of shingles. The doctor will normally prescribe anti-viral medication for the treatment of your shingles however there is NO cure for this condition.

As the shingles virus lies dormant in the nerve root, when it is activated the entire nerve is affected causing extreme discomfort and pain. Reducing stress helps prevent shingles outbreaks from occurring and when there is an outbreak, helps the body recover at a quicker rate. Other natural treatments involve;
- Diet- avoid food that contain arginine (tomatoes, grapes, chocolate and sugars) and eat foods which contain lysine (All meats, fish, yogurts, milk and cheese).
- Lotions such as calamine can relieve the burning and itching of rashes.
Moreover, once the rash has cleared many are left with neuralgia. This is pain that is present after the rash has cleared and in some cases can be debilitating. Symptoms include;
- Pain that lasts longer than 3 months
- Sensitivity to touch
- Itching and numbness
Cold laser therapy can be used for patients to help reduce inflammation, swelling and pain. It has been found laser therapy can help alleviate the pain associated with the neuralgia shingles. Cold laser therapy promotes faster healing for a full recovery. Here at Lakeside Laser in Joondalup-Perth our technicians are trained to use cold laser therapy for shingles. We have specific laser therapy protocol that we follow and have had very good results with it thus far.
The reasons cold laser therapy works well with shingles because it boosts oxygen levels, drains inflammation and speeds up healing. So if you’re suffering from shingles cold laser therapy at Lakeside Laser in Perth can help you with pain and speed up the healing process.
We service the surrounding suburbs of Tapping, Edgewater, Joondalup, Wanneroo, Connolly, Heathridge, Iluka, Currambine, Yanchep, Carramar, Gnangara, Mullaloo, Padbury, Kingsley, Woodvale, Banksia Grove and Duncraig.
Come visit our technicians at Lakeside Laser if you experience pain from shingles and we can find the best treatment options available for you. Call to book your appointment on 9300 0095 or via our website “Contact” tab.