Cold laser therapy uses specific wavelengths of light energy to target the affected area. The cells of the area then absorb the light and have a positive reaction to the infrared light, leading to faster regeneration. Our technicians at Lakeside Laser are trained to use cold laser and know which wavelengths work best for each region of the body. For example, deeper tissues will require different wavelengths of light compared to more superficial tissues.
The lasered area also tends to become stronger than if it healed naturally by the body. The reason for this is that natural healing by the body is a somewhat flawed process, often leading to scar tissue formations that are stiffer and weaker: it can even limit the required blood and lymph flow to the area. Cold laser therapy remedies this by re-forming the scar tissue into a normal, more flexible tissue formation.
Yes. The therapy is non-invasive and painless; no serious side effects have been reported.
Unlike invasive therapies and even some non-invasive physical modalities, cold laser therapy puts the patient at almost no risk of adverse effects. There are only a few contraindications to cold laser therapy, including cancer and placing the laser over the uterus of a pregnant patient. A proper assessment at Lakeside Laser will ensure that you are the right candidate for laser therapy.
No. It is completely painless. Patients may feel a slight tingling sensation but otherwise nothing except for a physical and gentle pressing of the handheld laser machine upon exposed skin.
This depends on what you are suffering from. Moreover, everyone responds differently. Healing chronic conditions can take longer periods of time, while acute conditions could take several visits over a shorter period of time. Our technicians at Lakeside laser can discuss this further with you after assessing your case.
Treatments can take anywhere between 4-8 minutes depending on the size of the area being treated.
Laser therapy is about healing and regeneration of tissue it is not about masking a condition or its symptoms for a short periods of time, therefore, the results have been found to be long lasting.
It does not require the use of drugs or surgery, there are virtually no side effects or risks, and it is quick and convenient.
We have had success treating many different conditions, no matter how acute or chronic. Some of the common conditions we treat are: Post operation, foot or heel pain, shoulder or ankle sprains, arthritic conditions, tendinitis, trapped nerves or nerve pain, headaches, Vertigo, Fibromyalgia, bursitis and jaw pain to name a few. You can read more about the conditions that are mentioned and many more that we treat in the… tab from the homepage of the website.
Yes. Laser therapy is even more effective when combined with other forms of therapy, including chiropractic, manual therapy, soft tissue therapy, electrotherapy passive exercises and dry needling.
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